New Things!

The tour stand has come out and now you can give tours! I know i havent posted lately but heres my post to make it up. Also you can buy red pet furniture and new invatations have come out. Oh and unfortunatly, i can’t get a tour hat. SInce lose tooth and 1 fiddy banned me, I can’t get a hat. To get a hat, click on the tour stand.








7 Responses to “New Things!”

  1. hiiiiiii

  2. šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜¦ ;(

  3. 3 rd comment

  4. icesruvovor can u add me on 222 blue?

    EDITORS COMMENT: You could have asked. You were right next to me…

  5. Ice i cant get the tour hat 2 šŸ˜¦ it is really not fair šŸ˜” šŸ‘æ

  6. if u r a member do u have to pay with real money or your coin???

  7. i know how to become a member please email me

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